Monday, January 21, 2008


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

January 1, 2008

One of the dogs woke me up, whining, at 4:30 a.m. I think that it was Bundy. I let Bundy and Javi out the back door, and in a bit I will put a leash on Morisson, and take him out the front door. Morisson has lost back door privileges, wherein I open the back door for him and the other dogs, and let them have at the back yard, because Morisson has gotten into a bad pattern of running off, nearly every time I let him out there.

There are a lot of dogs in this neighborhood, and I know that he knows that. The second to last time that he ran off, I found him trotting about the neighborhood with another dog, as if they owned the place. The last time that he ran off from me, I found him several blocks away, and, when I called him, he started to run off from me, but to his credit, he was running back towards the house that he and I share.

Ultimately, it is my responsibility to make sure that my dog does not get run over by a car, or picked up by the animal control people. I love this dog and I want good things for him, so I have to hover over him, more than I have in the past. Limiting his freedom, might save his life.

Javi, my oldest dog, is the most demonstrative in his desires. Just a minute or so ago, in the kitchen he was seriously indicating that he wanted something. I figured that he was hankering for a dog treat, so I said to him,"You ain't gettin' nothing right now. It ain't time for no treat."

Then I looked at the water bowl. It was empty. "Ahhhhh," I said to Javi, "You want some water." I filled the water bowl, and placed it on the floor. Javi was not alone in greedily licking the water. Morisson and Bundy immediately joined him.